How to talk to the partners about SEO

BY Bigger Law Firm Magazine

Law firm partner learning about SEO


As a law firm marketing director, you understand the importance of SEO in driving traffic to your website and generating leads for your firm. However, convincing the partners of your law firm to invest in SEO can be a daunting task, particularly if they do not understand its benefits.

Here are some tips on how to talk to the partners about SEO and help them understand its value:

Explain the importance of SEO in today's market

In today's legal marketplace, the vast majority of people use search engines like Google to find information, products, and services. In fact, Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day. If your law firm's website does not appear on the first page of search engine results for relevant keywords, potential clients may never find your firm. By investing in SEO, your law firm can improve its search engine ranking and attract more leads.

Emphasize the long-term benefits of SEO

SEO is not a quick fix, and it takes time to see results. However, the benefits of SEO are long-term and can have a significant impact on your law firm's online visibility and reputation. By investing in SEO, your law firm can establish a strong online presence, attract more leads, and build trust with potential clients.

Discuss the competitive landscape

Chances are, your law firm's competitors are already investing in SEO. If your law firm does not keep up, you risk falling behind and losing potential clients to your competitors. By investing in SEO, your law firm can stay competitive and attract more leads.

Provide data and metrics to support your argument

To convince the partners of your law firm to invest in SEO, you need to provide data and metrics to support your argument. This could include data on your law firm's current search engine ranking, traffic to your website, and the number of leads generated from your website.

Most importantly, show all of your competitors that are currently ranking on page 1. Seeing competitors getting the spotlight instead of your law firm might get them to agree with you that the time to act is now.

By providing concrete data, you can show the partners the potential return on investment of SEO.

Address any concerns about cost and ROI

One of the main concerns that partners may have about SEO is the cost and return on investment. It is important to address these concerns upfront and provide a clear plan for how SEO will generate leads and revenue for your law firm. You can also provide examples of other law firms that have seen a positive ROI from investing in SEO.

Discuss the role of content in SEO

Content is a critical component of SEO, and it is important to discuss its role in your law firm's SEO strategy. By creating high-quality, relevant content that targets your ideal client, your law firm can improve its search engine ranking and attract more leads. You can also discuss the importance of ongoing content creation and how it can help your law firm stay ahead of the competition.

Provide a clear plan for implementation

To convince the partners of your law firm to invest in SEO, you need to provide a clear plan for implementation. This should include a timeline, budget, and specific goals for your law firm's SEO strategy. By providing a clear plan, you can help the partners understand what to expect and how SEO will benefit your law firm in the long run.

Talking to the partners of your law firm about SEO can be challenging, but it is critical for the success of your law firm's marketing strategy. By explaining the importance of SEO in today's legal marketplace, emphasizing the long-term benefits, discussing the competitive landscape, providing data and metrics, addressing concerns about cost and ROI, discussing the role of content, and providing a clear plan for implementation, you can help the partners understand the value of investing in SEO and how it can benefit your law firm.

Bigger Law Firm Magazine

Bigger Law Firm Magazine has been helping law firms grow since 2011. We regularly publish helpful insights from industry professionals to help legal marketing directors, firm administrators, and lawyers build bigger and more efficient law firms.


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