
Worth A Thousand Words: Illustration and Photography Treatments

Your firm’s choice of photography, illustration and other graphic elements speaks volumes about you. Make sure you give your firm’s image the attention it deserves. All branding is storytelling. Everything your firm does, from your logo to your website to your office decor and the way you interact with clients tells a story about who…

Color Psychology: How Does it Affect Your Visitors?

The way one individual or a group reacts to color is unavoidably subjective. Life experiences and personal preference will influence a person’s feeling toward certain colors. But at the same time, colors can be used to evoke some predictable reactions and associations that can and should be put to work for your firm. Color psychology…

The New Virtual Handshake – the time has come to learn how to move your personal touch online

A strong handshake is never going to go out of style. Attorneys have landed new clients with personal charisma at cocktail parties and social gatherings for generations, and that set of skills will always be important. As the Internet becomes the most universal tool for business development, clients are more likely to find your firm…

White Space: Speaking Volumes by Saying Nothing

White space is everywhere. People enjoy it everyday, often without even realizing it. It is in the wide aisles and clean displays of a high-end retail store, the quiet park nestled between crowded city streets and the welcoming row of empty seats in a theater or a busy subway car. It is in the clearing…

The Client is in the Details: Harness the Design Elements That Make a Website Work for Your Firm

Sometimes, a website comes across your desktop that is instantly striking. Exceptional websites are immediately recognizable but often difficult to define. What is it that makes a good looking website look so good? Attention to subtle details can elevate a website from average to amazing. The right combination of textures, light and shadow can make…

The Large and the Small of Attorney Website Design


Websites are simultaneously getting bigger for desktops while shrinking for mobile devices. Optimize your web presence by designing for both. Back in the ancient online days of the late 1990s and early 2000s, web designers, marketing firms and the attorneys they worked for enjoyed a simpler time. Many people still relied on traditional yellow page…

Put Down the Gavel and No One Gets Hurt


Everyone knows that lawyers go to courthouses and judges use gavels. Moving beyond such law firm marketing stereotypes is a good practice. A law firm’s website works 24 hours a day, seven days a week as a non-stop brand ambassador. It is open for business when the firm is not, and communicates with prospects, converts…

Ask an Expert: Websites Errors Attorneys Should Never Make


This month we talk to Jason Bland, founder of Bigger Law Firm™ to get his take on what websites errors an attorney should never make nor repeat. “I review a lot of law firm websites every week and see things that will hurt an attorney’s credibility, SEO ratings, and profits if they keep making these…

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