This month, we talk to Tom Mighell, a senior consultant with Contoural, Inc. where he helps companies address records management and electronic discovery needs. Mighell is also the author of iPad in One Hour for Lawyers and runs the technology blog, When Socrates was being tried for corrupting the youth, he had little more…
While it is great to be able to take advantage of the latest technology virtually anyplace you happen to be, from the airport to the local café, there are security issues you need to deal with and some standards to consider relating to client security. The main one is that it is not a great…
A busy attorney is like an octopus. They have to be all arms to try and accomplish everything they need to get done in a day. Sometimes, being up to the task is enormously overwhelming, and more than just one or two attorneys have been heard to mutter, “There must be a way to simplify…
Shed heavy trial and transaction briefcases in favor of an iPad or other tablet of your preference and load these promising apps for your law firm. If you do not have a sore neck or shoulder by now from carrying paperwork to and from court, briefings, research trips and depositions, you are one of the…
There are so many interesting, useful, and must-have apps for lawyers that we could literally write a book. The latest iPhone, iPad and Android apps focus on practice management, which is a great way to manage the office and streamline your daily tasks. Whether you want to have an almost paperless office or desire the…
Get away from your desk without sacrificing productivity. Devices such as the iPad, iPhone, and Android smartphones and tablets can allow you to work on more projects at once, save time, and unleash the need to be at the main office. Apps on these devices also help trim a firm’s operating costs on a yearly…
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