Fixing Broken Links on Your Law Firm's Page Matters to Your SEO

Fixing Broken Links on Your Law Firm’s Page Matters to Your SEO

When links break, work on links with high authority that are still relatively fresh and new.

How Law Firms Can Generate Positive Client Reviews

How Law Firms Can Generate Positive Client Reviews

Reviews matter because 84 percent of consumers trust reviews as personal recommendations when deciding what business.

Keyword Stuffing Your Google My Business Listing Can Have a Negative Impact

Keyword stuffing adds additional descriptors to a law firm’s business name on their GMB that are not a part of the firm’s registered legal name.

Turn Testimonials Into SEO Success for Your Law Firm

Turn Testimonials Into SEO Success for Your Law Firm

Internet users rely on testimonials for various reasons, ranging from informing a major purchase decision to hiring an attorney.

What Makes A Good Quality Link?

What Makes A Good Quality Link?

The three factors that make up high-quality links are relevancy, authority and diversity.

SEO Matters for Law Firms, Now More Than Ever

SEO Matters for Law Firms, Now More Than Ever

Acquiring local clients requires SEO to target those prospective users with the local area since many law firms serve locally in their county or state.

Law Firms Want a Trustworthy Website, but What About Google's Algorithms?

Law Firms Want a Trustworthy Website, but What About Google’s Algorithms?

For clients to hire them, law firms need to have a trustworthy website. However, a trustworthy site is also important to Google and its algorithms.

Search Engine Optimization Tips For YouTube Videos

Video SEO For Law Firms


Search engine optimization (SEO) is not just for law firm websites. It can also be used for YouTube videos.

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