
Keep Your Inbox Clean and Clear


As a busy attorney, you likely both love and hate your email. When the day is too short to get everything done and you are facing a full inbox, something to clear it out and allow you to just deal with what you need to right away would be extremely helpful. The less time you…

How to: Make sure your website’s code is compliant


Great design and relevant content comes together with proper coding With great design, comes great interoperability Online, every millisecond matters. Replacing bandwidth heavy elements like gradient backgrounds with CSS is the best way to trim your site’s load time. Visual elements such as rounded corners and gradient backgrounds have traditionally been done with some creative…

You Ought To Be In Pictures: Video for Attorneys


Branching Out Into Video Production for Online Marketing Though many law firms were previously reluctant to venture into the use of video as an Internet marketing tool, there have been two fairly significant market changes which have convinced them to take the plunge. YouTube, the ubiquitous video channel, was acquired by Google, which means video…

Product Spotlight: Legal Workspace


Legal Workspace is a cloud-based law firm technology system, providing access to applications and documents from any device, from the firm’s computers to a smartphone. Law firms are increasing their use of cloud service providers to store data, as this provides access to data from multiple locations, and provides an essential off-site electronic backup. Legal…

Attorneys: Review Case Progress Easily with Case Evaluator Tools


When you are running a busy law practice, there are a lot of details you need to organize and oversee. The days of doing everything by hand on paper are gone. Instead, modern technologies can now create time for you to get organized and cross just about everything off your to-do list every day. One…

Product Spotlight: TechCrunch Disrupt New York

TechCrunch Disrupt New York lived up to its hype this year, showcasing exciting new technology that businesses of all stripes can use to boost productivity and operate more efficiently. Here are some highlights from this year’s show: Microsoft Office 365 plays real-time catch-up: For several years, Microsoft Office 365 has lost the office collaboration spotlight…

Mobile personal assistants help attorneys stay organized and connected


If you spend a great deal of time out of your office either in court or in meetings, you may want to consider the latest in mobile personal assistants to help keep you on track. Technology has advanced rapidly since the early days of voice recognition, and modern assistant apps come surprisingly close to emulating…

Hardware Tools for Mobile Lawyers


What do you do when you are out of the office with documents that need to be somewhere fast? Working while mobile can require more than just apps – the right hardware is a necessity, too. Life in the mobile fast lane is much easier now, thanks to the creativity of several technology developers. They’ve…

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