UPDATE: Google Bug is Deindexing Pages: What to do if your law firm is affected

BY Bigger Law Firm Magazine

Google Deindexing Pages


UPDATE: April 15, 2019

Google says they fixed the de-indexing bug but now are reporting issues within Google Search Console.

UPDATE: April 9, 2019
Google says they expect the error to be fixed within 12-24 hours.

Original Story

Starting last Thursday, some website owners noticed a troubling error; their pages were disappearing from Google's index. On Saturday, Google's John Mueller assured the SEO community that the problem had been resolved. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

On Sunday, Google SearchLiaison posted the following update on Twitter:

What you should do:

If you have a page that you suspect has been affected by this problem, use the URL Inspection tool in Google Search Console. Here is how:

1) Go to Google Search Console, log in, and select the website you want to review.

2) Click on “URL Inspection”.

3) Submit the page URL you want to inspect.

4) If you see “URL is on Google”, you have nothing to worry about.

5) If the page is not on Google, select “Request Indexing”.

Google URL Inspector

We will post updates as we know more.

Bigger Law Firm Magazine

Bigger Law Firm Magazine has been helping law firms grow since 2011. We regularly publish helpful insights from industry professionals to help legal marketing directors, firm administrators, and lawyers build bigger and more efficient law firms.


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