California Consumer Attorneys, P.C. Celebrates Landmark Victory in Lemon Law Trial

California Consumer Attorneys, P.C. Celebrates Landmark Victory in Lemon Law Trial

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San Jose, California – California Consumer Attorneys, P.C. (“CCA”) is happy to announce a recent trial victory against BMW of North America, LLC in the Federal District Court for the Northern District of California. The case involved a 2020 BMW X3 purchased by Jose L. Mendoza. After a four-day trial, a seven-member jury unanimously found in favor of Mr. Mendoza.  The jury found that the 2020 BMW X3 had a defect that substantially impaired the use, value, or safety and that BMW of North America, LLC was unable to conform the vehicle to warranty within a reasonable number of repair attempts. The jury further found that BMW of North America, LLC willfully failed to honor its obligations under the Lemon Law and assessed civil penalties against the automotive distributor.

Mr. Mendoza was represented at trial by CCA attorneys Michael H. Rosenstein and Brian Murray. Throughout the trial, CCA’s lawyers meticulously presented compelling evidence demonstrating the extent of the defects and the manufacturer’s failure to rectify them adequately. Leveraging their expertise in Lemon Law litigation and years of trial experience, the firm’s attorneys skillfully navigated complex legal proceedings, advocating tirelessly on behalf of their client.

The verdict, delivered in favor of Mr. Mendoza, not only secures justice for the individual but also sets a precedent for future cases involving similar circumstances. CCA’s success in this trial exemplifies their proficiency in navigating the intricate nuances of Lemon Law, providing clients with effective legal representation and recourse against corporate negligence.

“Prior to hiring our Firm, Mr. Mendoza looked to BMW to do the right thing and simply take him out of a defective and unsafe vehicle,” said Michael Rosenstein, a partner at CCA. “When manufacturers refuse to honor their legal obligations, CCA is here to protect the consumers of the State of California.”  CCA remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding the rights of consumers and ensuring accountability within the automotive industry. Their track record of success in lemon law cases underscores their reputation as a premier legal resource for individuals facing challenges with defective vehicles.

For more information about CCA and its legal services, visit www.thelemonfirm.com or contact Seth Manders at (310) 872-2600.

United States District Court, Northern District of California
Mendoza v. BMW of North America, LLC
Case No. 5:22-cv-06032-EJD

California Consumer Attorneys, P.C. is a leading consumer law practice that represents clients throughout California. From its offices in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento, CCA’s mission is to hold major manufacturers accountable for failing to repair vehicles or stand behind their promise of selling quality products.

California Consumer Attorneys P.C.
10866 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 872-2600
Press Contact : Seth Manders

Distributed by Law Firm Newswire"}]] 

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