Lehrman Law Files Lawsuit Against Spirit Airlines for Failing to Protect Passenger from Sexual Assault

Lehrman Law Files Lawsuit Against Spirit Airlines for Failing to Protect Passenger from Sexual Assault

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Boca Raton, Florida – A passenger, identified as Jane Doe, filed a lawsuit against Spirit Airlines alleging that she was sexually assaulted by another passenger on the flight. The victim alleges that she sustained severe physical and emotional injuries from being assaulted during the flight and that Spirit could have prevented this abuse. The lawsuit, filed in Florida state court by the Lehrman Law firm, asserts claims of negligence and that Spirit failed to do enough to keep passengers safe from in-flight sexual assaults.

The lawsuit, filed in state court in Fort Lauderdale, alleges that while the plane was at the departure gate in Fort Lauderdale, the alleged assailant assaulted another female passenger. The plaintiff claims that this prior incident was reported to Spirit Airlines at the departure gate; however, Spirit failed to remove the assailant from the flight, despite having an opportunity to do so.

The victim claims that she was seated in a middle seat, next to the assailant who was sitting in an aisle seat, and that she was unaware of the prior incident involving the assailant. In the lawsuit, the victim further claims that Spirit failed to warn her that she was being seated next to a known assailant. According to the lawsuit, because Spirit failed to warn her about the assailant, Ms. Doe sat next to him in her assigned seat and was sexually assaulted by him a series of times during the flight. Plaintiff claims that if Spirit had taken action earlier, when they had the opportunity to do so, then she would not have been sexually assaulted on the flight.

The lawsuit contends that sexual assaults involving passengers are not isolated incidents. In fact, the complaint asserts that one in five flight attendants claim that they have received a report of passenger-on-passenger while working on a flight. According to the complaint, there have also been multiple Spirit Airline flights involving reports of sexual assaults by passengers.

Led by attorney Seth M. Lehrman, Lehrman Law is committed to holding Spirit Airlines accountable for its alleged negligence in protecting passengers from harm. The lawsuit is seeking compensation for the trauma and injuries Ms. Doe sustained from the assault.

Case No. 196872026

At Lehrman Law, we understand the profound impact sexual assault has on survivors. Our firm provides comprehensive and confidential representation to victims of sexual assault who are looking to pursue civil actions against their perpetrators. We are dedicated to protecting our clients’ rights and ensuring they receive the compensation and resolution they deserve.

Lehrman Law
951 Yamato Road, Suite 285,
Boca Raton, FL, 33431
877.269.0076 x848
Press Contact : Tiana Guzman

Distributed by Law Firm Newswire"}]] 

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