Omnizant Takes Home Four WebAwards for 2022

Omnizant Takes Home Four WebAwards for 2022



Port Washington, NY (Law Firm Newswire) September 30, 2022 – We are excited to announce that Omnizant has been awarded four WebAwards by the Web Marketing Association (WMA).

The WMA has recognized Omnizant for excellence in design on the following websites.

Woods Lonergan – Legal Standard of Excellence

New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers – Outstanding Website

Saeedian Law Group – Outstanding Website

Wirtz Law – Outstanding Website

The WMA works to establish standards of excellence for website development and to advance internet marketing. Omnizant’s 2022 WebAwards highlight our commitment to designing captivating websites and developing digital marketing strategies for law firms that get results.

We have a proud history of winning WebAwards, receiving 26 awards over the past nine years.

Please join us in congratulating our web development team.

The post Omnizant Takes Home Four WebAwards for 2022 first appeared on Law Firm Newswire

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