Personal Injury Law Firm, Schuelke Law, Sees Neural Stem Cells As a Promising Treatment For Traumatic Brain Injury Client

Personal Injury Law Firm, Schuelke Law, Sees Neural Stem Cells As a Promising Treatment For Traumatic Brain Injury Client


Austin, Texas – There appears to be a mechanism that senses brain cell injuries, tells other cells that deal with tissue repair, and then sends the necessary tools to start repair. This means science may soon have the ability to boost neuron regeneration in the aftermath of brain trauma. Portuguese researchers discovered this potential breakthrough just recently.

In the wake of a traumatic brain injury, survivors may be left dealing with long-term impairment of cognitive and motor functions. What was not known, until recently, is that the brain has a reserve of neural stem cells that have the ability to partially activate damaged tissue.

This is different than the regeneration of stem cells because complete activation happens with only a few. This means a smaller number of new neurons are created. What happens instead is the damaged area is filled by “glia,” also referred to as the “glue” nervous system.

Research Discovery
While investigating adult brain plasticity in the aftermath of a brain injury, researchers discovered a new mechanism where glia and neurons collaborate to begin healing. It was further discovered that a transporter protein, dubbed Swim, swims across the tissue to assist other molecules to splay out, serving a crucial role in triggering a regenerative response.

Swim carries a molecule called Wg/Wnt. The neurons detect distress and jump into action, attempting to trigger, or wake up, dormant neural stem cells. Further research indicated that dropping levels of oxygen in the injured area produced a specific glial cell, which in turn produced Swim.

Swim carries Wg to the nearest stem cell and nudges it to turn on. It appears to be a collaboration of glia and neurons, working to repair brain tissue. While this research has been mostly pursued using mice and fly models, the next step would be to determine if there is a similar mechanism in humans.

“What is apparent,” added traumatic brain injury lawyer, Brooks Schuelke,” is that this news is triggering further studies into the possibility of this discovery becoming another helpful tool in dealing with traumatic brain injury.”

Brooks Schuelke is an Austin traumatic brain injury with a long history of handling such cases. “If you have sustained a traumatic brain injury, please, do not hesitate to call me. I can outline your legal rights, and explain how this type of case is handled, and what to possibly expect later.”

For 20 years, the personal injury attorneys at Schuelke Law have been helping accident victims and their families recover damages and get their lives back. Get the benefits you deserve. Get the respect you deserve.

Schuelke Law
3011 N Lamar Blvd #200
Austin, TX 78705
(512) 476-4944
Press Contact : Brooks Schuelke

Distributed by Law Firm Newswire 

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