Steinberg Law Firm Voted Best Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation Law Firm by Journal Scene Readers

Steinberg Law Firm Voted Best Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation Law Firm by Journal Scene Readers

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Summerville, South Carolina – Steinberg Law Firm, LLC is proud to announce its recent accolades as the Best Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation Law Firm, awarded by the readers of The Summerville Journal Scene, an Evening Post Publishing, Inc. publication This recognition underscores the firm’s dedication to providing outstanding legal representation to individuals in South Carolina.

Steinberg Law Firm, LLC has a rich history of community commitment and a diverse range of legal services. The firm’s areas of practice span personal injury, representing clients in cases involving car accidents, slips and falls, and other injury claims. Additionally, the firm handles workers’ compensation matters, assisting workers injured on the job to secure the benefits and compensation they need for a successful recovery and return to work.

The Journal Scene Readers’ Choice Award is a significant honor for Steinberg Law Firm, reflecting the community’s strong endorsement of the firm’s services in personal injury and workers’ compensation law. This honor is not only a testament to the firm’s legal acumen but also a reflection of the deep trust and confidence that the community places in Steinberg Law Firm. It recognizes the firm’s relentless pursuit of justice for its clients, unwavering commitment to ethical practice, and continuous effort to go above and beyond in legal advocacy.

Steinberg Law Firm Partner, Steven Goldberg responded to the award news, expressing deep gratitude, “We are profoundly grateful to receive this recognition from the readers of the Summerville Journal Scene. This award is a testament to our team’s hard work and dedication to justice, fairness, and integrity. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our clients and the community for their trust and support, and we remain committed to continuing our work to provide top-notch legal representation.”

As Steinberg Law Firm, LLC celebrates this milestone, it reiterates its unwavering commitment to the community. The same dedication and diligence that earned the firm this prestigious award will continue to guide its service to the community. The Steinberg Law Firm, LLC, is steadfast in its commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for its clients and remains a powerful advocate for those in need of legal assistance, ensuring justice is served.

The Steinberg Law Firm was founded in 1927 and has tirelessly advocated for injured workers and accident victims since then. The founder of Steinberg Law Firm, Irving Steinberg, was instrumental in getting the first workers’ compensation laws passed in South Carolina. The Steinberg Law Firm carries on this legacy today, representing those injured in life-changing accidents, both throughout everyday life and while at work. Steinberg Law attorneys have more than 170 years of combined experience helping individuals and families recover the compensation they need and deserve following an accident.

The Steinberg Law Firm has been assisting victims of negligence in South Carolina since 1927 including personal injury, workers’ compensation, and car accidents. For more information, please contact the firm at 843-720-2800 or visit our website at https://www.steinberglawfirm.com/.

Steinberg Law Firm
103 Grandview Drive
Summerville, SC 29483
(843) 720-2800
Press Contact : Patti Baron

Distributed by Law Firm Newswire"}]] 

This story is published through a partnership with Law Firm Newswire. The editorial staff of Bigger Law Firm Magazine did not contribute to this article. The views expressed are solely those of the source of the news release and do not reflect the views of Law Firm Newswire or Bigger Law Firm Magazine. Questions related to this story should be directed to the media contact referenced in the article. 

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