The Brill Legal Group Stands Up For Tenured Public School Teachers

The Brill Legal Group Stands Up For Tenured Public School Teachers

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New York, New York – Tenured public school teachers have the right to retain their positions and may only be terminated if there is “just cause,” according to Education Law §3020.

Rules relating to terminating a tenured public school teacher have changed significantly since 2012, with more recent changes implemented in July 2015. For further information on the forms and process involved in terminating a tenured public school teacher is available here.

Such hearings can be complicated and fraught with uncertainty, fear of losing a job, and anxiety. “Facing a disciplinary inquiry presents the possibility of a loss of a professional license, as well as employment eligibility,” explained Peter Brill of the Brill Legal Group.

Those facing a disciplinary hearing that may result in termination need top-caliber legal assistance. “The Brill Legal Group stands up for teachers at public schools by utilizing aggressive defenses to protect their livelihood and professional licenses,” Brill added.

The Brill Legal Group goes to bat for tenured public school teachers and ensures they receive the proper assistance needed to avert suspension or termination. If such measures are not taken quickly, a tenured teacher may have to wait up to three years to have a license restored.

There are certain situations in which a tenured teacher may have an expedited disciplinary hearing. The following situations can expedite a teacher’s disciplinary hearing:

The revocation of their certification.

The sexual or physical abuse of a student.

Two consecutive ineffective Annual Professional Performance Rating (APPR) ratings.

Three consecutive ineffective APPR ratings.

If a tenured teacher is facing disciplinary issues, we take our experience and put it to good use by holding the board in question accountable. Get in touch with our team at Brill Legal Group, P.C., as soon as possible so we can begin building an aggressive defense for your case.

Contact our New York City lawyers for defense of tenure rights Section 3020-A today to discuss legal representation for teachers. Our defense of tenured teacher’s attorneys is available to provide an initial no-cost evaluation of the legal issues to be faced.

Brill Legal Group’s primary criminal defense attorney, Peter Brill, is a former assistant district attorney who knows the law inside and out. His understanding of how prosecutors think and operate gives him a distinct advantage when entering the courtroom or sitting down at the bargaining table. He is supported by the Brill Legal Group’s team of highly experienced criminal law attorneys who have tried hundreds of cases. These accomplished lawyers bring a collective wealth of knowledge and experience that is second to none on Long Island or the Five Boroughs.

Brill Legal Group
64 Hilton Avenue
Hempstead, NY 11550
Press Contact : Peter Brill

Distributed by Law Firm Newswire"}]] 

This story is published through a partnership with Law Firm Newswire. The editorial staff of Bigger Law Firm Magazine did not contribute to this article. The views expressed are solely those of the source of the news release and do not reflect the views of Law Firm Newswire or Bigger Law Firm Magazine. Questions related to this story should be directed to the media contact referenced in the article. 

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