Taking the Law into Your Own Handheld

BY Kerrie Spencer



Get away from your desk without sacrificing productivity.

Devices such as the iPad, iPhone, and Android smartphones and tablets can allow you to work on more projects at once, save time, and unleash the need to be at the main office. Apps on these devices also help trim a firm’s operating costs on a yearly basis. When you take your law practice and supercharge it with the power of a smartphone or tablet, you have the potential to expand where and how business is done, and thus increase the firm’s bottom line.

With a few video or written tutorials, you can learn to use these devices that let you connect with a client better, create legal documents, and research just as if you were in the office. Riding the wave of technology will also keep you ahead of competitors. Office management apps, law guides, and secure content managements systems are all accessible from these mobile devices. Below is our guide to some of the must-have apps of the year.


Kerrie Spencer

Kerrie Spencer is a staff contributor to Bigger Law Firm Magazine.


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