Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning – January / February 2017

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Cybersecurity in 2016: Lessons Learned

How attorneys can use AI and machine learning
Although it has not been as widely accepted in the legal community as in other industries, artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming recognized as a viable tool that can be used to improve the efficiency with which lawyers complete their work.

Virtual Reality in the Courtroom
Imagine twelve jurors sitting in the jury box, listening as the defense attorney presents them with imagery of a crime scene, showing various views and pointing out salient details. But instead of viewing a projection or large prints, they are seeing the evidence through virtual reality goggles. This may happen sooner than you expect.


Journalism Techniques for Compelling Content Marketing

When your law firm’s marketing team creates press releases, blog posts and other content, they can and should borrow from the best techniques of journalists.

Guest contributor Stacy King outlines four ways law firms can benefit from community outreach

Legal tech solutions to help your firm get organized

The future of net neutrality under a Trump administration

In a first of its kind case, Amazon is asked to hand over data in a murder investigation

What does movement in map placement mean for local search?